Thu Apr 27 2023
Wed Apr 26 2023

Learning Fine-Grained Bimanual Manipulation with Low-Cost Hardware

Imitation Learning
Machine learning
Automated Assembly processes in manufacturing
Food processing tasks
Textile manufacturing

The paper presents a low-cost system that performs end-to-end imitation learning directly from real demonstrations, collected with a custom teleoperation interface. The system uses a novel algorithm, Action Chunking with Transformers (ACT), which learns a generative model over action sequences. The system allows the robot to learn 6 difficult tasks in the real world with only 10 minutes worth of demonstrations.

The low-cost hardware developed in this paper can make fine manipulation tasks more accessible in various industries that utilize robotics technology. The system can provide a cost-effective solution for small and medium enterprises to automate some of their processes, which can lead to increased efficiency, productivity and cost savings.

Learning Agile Soccer Skills for a Bipedal Robot with Deep Reinforcement Learning

Deep Reinforcement Learning
Artificial intelligence
Automated warehouse operations
Construction sites
Manufacturing plants

The paper investigates whether Deep Reinforcement Learning (Deep RL) is able to synthesize sophisticated and safe movement skills for a low-cost, miniature humanoid robot. The agents developed a basic strategic understanding of the game, and learned to anticipate ball movements and to block opponent shots. The agents were trained in simulation and transferred to real robots zero-shot. The robots learned safe and effective movements while still performing in a dynamic and agile way.

The research conducted in this paper can lead to the development of low-cost robots that can perform complex movements such as walking, turning, and kicking in various industries. Robotics technology can be implemented in logistics, manufacturing, and construction industries to improve efficiency and productivity. The use of robotics technology can also reduce workplace injuries in industries that involve manual labor.

TextDeformer: Geometry Manipulation using Text Guidance

Differentiable Rendering
Artificial intelligence
Computer graphics
Fashion design
Interior design

The paper presents a technique for automatically producing a deformation of an input triangle mesh, guided solely by a text prompt. The framework relies on differentiable rendering to connect geometry to powerful pre-trained image encoders. The method is capable of smoothly-deforming a wide variety of source mesh and target text prompts, achieving both large modifications to, e.g., body proportions of animals, as well as adding fine semantic details.

The research in this paper can be implemented in various industries, especially in fashion and interior design. TextDeformer can be used to create 3D models that can be customized based on a customer's text prompt. It can also be used in the production of marketing materials such as ads, posters, and banners. The technology can also be used in the entertainment industry such as in the production of video games and animations.

Unleashing Infinite-Length Input Capacity for Large-scale Language Models with Self-Controlled Memory System

Large-scale language models
Natural language processing
Machine learning
Multi-turn dialogue
Ultra-long document summarization or long-term conversations

Proposes the Self-Controlled Memory (SCM) system to enable large-scale language models (LLMs) to process ultra-long texts without modification or fine-tuning, leading to comparable or better performance than ChatGPT in multi-turn dialogue and ultra-long document summarization or long-term conversations scenarios.

LLMs can be used to improve text processing capabilities in scenarios involving ultra-long texts, without the need for modification or fine-tuning.

Evaluation of GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 for supporting real-world information needs in healthcare delivery

Large language models
Natural language processing
Healthcare delivery
Informatics consultation services

Assesses the safety and concordance of responses from GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 to questions submitted by physicians to an informatics consultation service, finding that while responses were largely safe, less than 20% of the responses matched the specific information need of the question and additional research is needed for prompt engineering, calibration, and custom-tailoring of general purpose models to evaluate their usefulness in healthcare settings.

General purpose language models can provide safe responses but often fail to meet the specific information need of a given question, and additional research is needed to evaluate their usefulness in healthcare settings.

Tue Apr 25 2023
Mon Apr 24 2023
Sun Apr 23 2023
Fri Apr 21 2023